HC Topics Archives - HC Topics 2011 Archives
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Holiday News Alert (December 2011)
Volume 4, Issue 12 (December 2011)
- CMS Auditing Series: More Stringent Provider Penalties
- Dealing With the Medicare Doughnut Hole
- The Expense of the ICD-10 Conversion
- Who is Marilyn Tavenner?
Volume 4, Issue 11 (November 2011)
- CMS Auditing Series: Identifying High Risk Hospitals
- 2012 OIG Work Plan Released
- CMS Bundled Payment Initiative: Four Models for Coordinated Care
- Forced Transparency for Health Insurers
Volume 4, Issue 10 (October 2011)
- Accountable Care Organizations Series: How Are ACOs Compliant?
- CMS Auditing Series: Establishing Medicaid RACs
- The Sustainable Growth Rate Saga Continues
- In the Electronic Age, Is PHR Adoption Lagging Behind?
Volume 4, Issue 9 (September 2011)
- Accountable Care Organizations Series: When Are ACOs?
- CMS Auditing Series: RAC Attack
- Final Rule Could Compromise Value-Based Purchasing Program
- U.S. Life Expectancy - What Factors Contribute to Low Rates?
Volume 4, Issue 8 (August 2011)
- Accountable Care Organizations Series: Where Are ACOs?
- Proposed Rule on State Exchanges Released
- Medicare's PECOS System
- The Increased Use of Air Medical Services (AMS)
- Accountable Care Organizations Series: Who Are ACOs?
- Insurers Subject to ERISA Liabilitys
- Statutory Elimination of Physician-Owned Hospital Exceptions
- Supreme Court Overturns State Law Restrictions on Data-Mining
- Accountable Care Organizations Series: What Are ACOs?
- CMS Bars Medicaid Payments For Preventable Conditions
- Insurer-Run Care Expanding Into Retail Clinics
- Vermont Adopts Single-Payor System
- Accountable Care Organizations Series: Why Do We Need ACOs?
- Medicare Advantage Plans Squeezed in 2012 Under Healthcare Reform
- CMS Finalizes Rule on Telemedicine
Volume 4, Issue 4 (April 2011)
- Healthcare Reform: Impact on States
- CMS Issues Proposed Rule on Accountable Care Organizations
- Federal Efforts to Improve Healthcare Quality
- Opportunities and Challenges for Telemedicine
Volume 4, Issue 3 (March 2011)
- Healthcare Reform Series: Impact on Employers
- Federal Fraud Task Force Has Largest Takedown to Date
- Healthcare Reforms Tax Provisions Strain IRS Resources
- Healthcare Employment Resists Effects of Recession