HC Topics Archives - HC Topics 2014 Archives
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Volume 7, Issue 12 (December 2014)
- Utilization of Asset/Cost Approach in Appraising Outpatient Enterprises
- Threshold of Commercial Reasonableness: The Qualitative Analysis
- ACO Quality Improvement Methods
- The Advancement Toward Personalized & Evidence-Based Medicine
Volume 7, Issue 11 (November 2014)
- The Utilization of the Market Approach in Appraising Outpatient Enterprises
- The Threshold of Commercial Reasonableness
- Use of Technology for Patient Outreach
- 2015 MPFS and New Quality Benchmarks
Volume 7, Issue 10 (October 2014)
- Utilizing the Income Approach to Appraise Outpatient Enterprises
- Access to Healthcare Remains Stable Under Affordable Care Act
- ACOs Achieving Quality with Shared Savings
- Physicians Increasingly Targeted in Fraud & Abuse Lawsuits
Volume 7, Issue 9 (September 2014)
- Appropriate Use of Extraordinary Assumptions and Hypothetical Conditions
- GAO Issues Report on CMS Post-Payment Claims Review
- Provider Concentration and Antitrust Implications
- Health Insurance Exchange Changes Expected for Enrollment Year 2015
Volume 7, Issue 8 (August 2014)
- Determination of the Appropriate Standard of Value & Premise of Value
- Healthcare Prices Rise Slowly, Employment Growth Remains Volatile
- Health Systems Continue to Acquire Insurers
- ACA Employer Mandate Requires Decisions Regarding Health Insurance Offerings
- Health System Consolidation Expands to Post-Acute Care
- Congressmen Question Reach of Fraud & Abuse Enforcement
- Navigating Hospital Rating Systems Can Be Difficult for Consumers
- Co-Ops Remain Available in Health Insurance Marketplace Despite Low Enrollment
- Health Insurance Exchanges Impact Patient Enrollment
- CMS Issues Final Prospective Payment System for FQHCs
- Telemedicine Guidelines Adopted by State Medical Boards
- Jimmo Case Re-Review Deadline Approaching
- CBO Shaves $100 Billion from ACA's Ten-Year Cost Projection
- AHA Sues HHS Over Two-Midnight Rule
- Diminishing Returns in Healthcare Series - Part 3 of 3: ACA's Efforts to Make Healthcare More Affordable
- CMS Proposes New Fire Safety Regulations for Hospitals
Volume 7, Issue 4 (April 2014)
- CMS Releases Medicare Advantage Final Call Letter for 2015
- St. Luke's Health System Ordered to Unwind Acquisition of Physician Group
- OIG Reports Fraud Vulnerabilities in Electronic Health Records
- Decreasing Marginal Utility in Healthcare Series, Part 2 of 3: Causes of Wasteful Spending in the U.S. Healthcare System
Volume 7, Issue 3 (March 2014)
- Decreasing Marginal Utility in Healthcare Series, Part 1 of 3: The High Cost of Healthcare
- Physician Shortage Series, Part 3 of 3: Shortage of Specialty Physicians
- Tax-Exempt Hospitals Face Increasing Tax Scrutiny
- Retail Clinics and Health Systems Coordinate Care