Glossary of Healthcare Terms

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Generic Benchmarking

A type of benchmarking applicable to a variety of industries, that focuses on the identification, classification, and comparison of key business processes to those of the leading competitor(s).

Generic Indicators

A subset of clinical quality indicators based on a rate of occurrence within the patient population and includes measures of morbidity, mortality, and readmission.


The evaluation of the hereditary information provided by an organism


A disease that gradually causes degeneration of the cells that comprise the optic nerve, resulting in cell death and eventual loss of vision.

Global Benchmarking

A type of external benchmarking that determines a comparison organization(s) based on geographic boundaries and location.

Going Concern Value

The value of a business enterprise that is expected to continue to operate. The intangible elements of going concern value result from factors such as having a trained work force, an operational plant, and the necessary licenses, systems, and procedures in place.


An intangible asset arising as a result of name, reputation, customer loyalty, location, products and similar factors not separately identified.

Governance/Legal Structure-Related Intangible Assets

Includes organizational documents; income distribution plans; and, covenants not-to-compete.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

A measure of the total flow of goods and services produced by the economy over a specified time period (e.g., one year), calculated using an aggregate value of the outputs of goods and services used for final consumption or investment.

Group Model HMO

An HMO that contracts with physician practices on an exclusive basis so that the practices see patients primarily from that plan.

Group Purchasing Organization (GPO)

An organization that leverages the buying power of a group of healthcare organizations to obtain contracted discounts from vendors.

Health Information Technology (HIT)

A technology that improves “the health of individuals and the performance of providers, yielding improved quality, cost savings, and greater engagement by patients in their own health care.”

Health Insurance Exchange (HIE)

"Public markets" for health insurance plans available within a state.

Health Maintenance Organization

Any organization that, through an organized system of healthcare, provides or ensures the delivery of an agreed-upon set of comprehensive health maintenance and treatment services for an enrolled group of persons commonly under a capitation or prepaid fixed sum arrangement.

Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)

Any organization that, through an organized system of healthcare, provides or ensures the delivery of an agreed-upon set of comprehensive health maintenance and treatment services for an enrolled group of persons commonly under a capitation or prepaid fixed sum arrangement.
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