Glossary of Healthcare Terms

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Trimmed Mean

An arithmetic mean with certain extreme values eliminated from the data set prior to calculation.

True Integrators

Organizations that are so financially integrated through risk contracting or ownership that true integration of care processes is feasible. Although very few systems in the United States operate as true integrators, many EHOs aspire to this level of assimilation. FMIGs and IDSs are classified as true integrators.

Two-Sided Model

"A model under which the ACO may share savings with the Medicare program, if it meets the requirements for doing so, and is also liable for sharing any losses incurred under subpart G of this part."

Two-Way Interactive Television

Used telemedicine for face-to-face consultations.

Two-way Interactive Television (IATV)

A treatment approach that uses telemedicine for face-to-face consultations.

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