HCC President, Robert James Cimasi, quoted in "Indianapolis Business Journal"
HCC President, Robert James Cimasi, quoted in "The Gray Sheet"
HCC President, Robert James Cimasi, presented at National Association of Certified Valuation Analysts (NACVA) Consultants Training Institute (CTI) in Chicago on September 23 and 24, 2009
HCC President, Robert James Cimasi, quoted in Modern Healthcare
HCC President, Robert James Cimasi, MHA, ASA, CBA, AVA, CM&AA, accepts the Outstanding Chapter Education Event award on behalf of the St. Louis Chapter of the American Society of Appraisers (ASA) at the 2009 ASA International Appraisal Conference, held
HCC President, Robert James Cimasi, presented at HCAA Spring 2009 Conference in Philadelphia on May 7, 2009
HCC President, Robert James Cimasi, quoted in The Hospitalist
HCC President, Robert James Cimasi, quoted in the St. Louis Business Journal
HCC President, Robert James Cimasi, quoted in Modern Healthcare.
March 18, 2009, HCC President, Robert James Cimasi, MHA, ASA, CBA, AVA, CM&AA, acted as moderator for the BVR teleconference entitled IRS New Rules: Pension Protection Act and Beyond
February 6, 2009, HCC Vice President, Anne P. Sharamitaro, Esq and Senior Vice President, Todd A. Zigrang, MBA, MHA, CHE presented, A Primer for Research Methods for Valuation Projects
February 6, 2009, HCC President, Robert James Cimasi, MHA, ASA, CBA, AVA, CM&AA acted as moderator for the Roundtable Panel discussion entitled IRS New Rules: Pension Protection Act and Beyond
January 31, 2009, HCC President, Robert James Cimasi, MHA, ASA, CBA, AVA, CM&AA presented Attack on Physician Ownership of Ancillary Services Enterprises: Update on Regulatory Environment for Orthopedic Providers,
HCC President, Robert James Cimasi, quoted in Healthcare Corporate Finance News
Winter 2008. Journal of Healthcare Finance published HCC's Research Study
HCC President, Robert James Cimasi teaches NACVA webinar course entitled, The Misinterpretation and Misapplication of Kumho Tire to Business Valuation.
Valuation Strategies publishes article by HCC President, Robert James Cimasi entitled, Whistling Past the Graveyard: The Impact of Healthcare Regulation on Healthcare Valuation"
HCC President, Robert James Cimasi Quoted in American Medical News- March 2008
HCC President, Robert James Cimasi, Senior Vice President Todd A. Zigrang, and Vice President, Anne P. Sharamitaro, author chapter update in Healthcare Organizations: Financial Management Strategies 2007 edition.
HCC President, Robert James Cimasi teaches webinar course on financial benchmarking for the National Association of Certified Valuation Consultants online Consultants Training Institute-November 2007