Recent Projects - Physician Professional Practices
Client: 900+ bed, nonprofit, research and teaching hospital
Location: Northeastern U.S.
Engagement: Valuation of lease arrangements, compensation packages, including: medical directorships and physician clinical services, as well as certain tangible and intangible assets, including: hypothetical stand-alone ancillary service and technical component enterprises; trained and assembled workforce in-place; and tangible personal property, for the purposes of the teaching hospital integrating 90+ physicians specializing in various subspecialties of cardiology
Client: 250+ bed, nonprofit, acute care hospital
Location: Southwestern U.S.
Engagement: Commercial reasonableness of various services agreements, including: on-call trauma services agreement; professional services agreements; medical director services agreements; co-management and performance improvement services agreements; medical and residency direction services agreements related to a 10+ physician orthopedic group practice
Client: 360+ bed, nonprofit, acute care hospital
Location: Southern U.S.
Engagement: Valuation of compensation for various services agreements, including: robotic surgery teaching and consulting services agreement; physician executive services agreement; and, recruitment services agreement
Client: 20+ hospital, nonprofit health system
Location: Midwestern U.S.
Engagement: Valuation of salary guaranty, retention bonus, on-call compensation and value based incentive compensation, as well as certain tangible and intangible assets, including: hypothetical stand-alone diagnostic imaging ancillary service and technical component (ASTC) enterprise; hypothetical stand-alone physical therapy service line; trained and assembled workforce in-place; and tangible personal property, for the purposes of the health system integrating 25+ orthopedic surgeons
Client: 900+ bed, nonprofit, research and teaching hospital
Location: Northeastern U.S.
Engagement: Valuation of lease arrangements, physician clinical compensation packages, as well as certain tangible and intangible assets, including: hypothetical stand-alone diagnostic imaging, clinical lab and sleep center ancillary service and technical component enterprise; trained and assembled workforce in-place; and tangible personal property, for the purposes of the teaching hospital integrating physicians specializing in primary care
Client: 4,000+ bed, nonprofit, academic health system
Location: Midwestern U.S.
Engagement: Valuation of the tangible and intangible assets of a 10+ provider oncology practice, including: hypothetical stand-alone radiation therapy and infusion therapy ancillary service and technical component enterprise; trained and assembled workforce in-place; and tangible personal property
Client: 250+ provider, multispecialty group practice
Location: Northeastern U.S.
Engagement: Valuation and commercial reasonableness of compensation packages for key executives, including Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Chief Medical Officer, Chief of Operations, Chief Financial Officer, and Chief of Strategy & Business Development
Client: 20+ hospital, nonprofit health system
Location: Midwestern U.S.
Engagement: Valuation of trained and assembled workforce in-place intangible asset and physician compensation of 150+ physician multispecialty group practice
Client: Large, nonprofit, multispecialty group practice
Location: Midwestern U.S.
Engagement: Valuation of non-solicitation provision and waiver of tortious interference intangible assets related to the acquisition of a 15+ physician group comprised of primary care physicians
Client: 800+ bed, nonprofit, hospital
Location: Midwestern U.S.
Engagement: Valuation of certain professional clinical and management services provided by three groups
Client: 800+ bed, nonprofit, acute care hospital
Location: Midwestern U.S.
Engagement: Valuation of certain assets of a cardiovascular research center, including: tangible personal property; trained and assembled workforce in-place; trade name; in-place service agreements; and professional goodwill, for the purposes of a the hospital acquiring the cardiology practice
Client: Large, nonprofit, multispecialty group practice
Location: Midwestern U.S.
Engagement: Valuation of non-solicitation provision and waiver of tortious interference intangible assets related to the acquisition of a 15+ physician group comprised of primary care physicians
Client: 600+ physician, academic multispecialty group practice
Location: Southern U.S.
Engagement: Valuation of certain assets of an ophthalmology practice, including custodial rights to patient medical records, tangible personal property, for purposes of donation to a large academic medical center
Client: 100+ provider, for-profit multispecialty group practice
Location: Northeastern U.S.
Engagement: Valuation, feasibility analysis, planning and assessment advisory services related to a 100+ group of physicians and mid-level providers regarding their current ACO structure and possible future strategic options
Client: Shareholders of a physician medical practice
Location: Northwestern U.S.
Engagement: Valuation of a multi-location 20+ physician cardiology group practice and related cardiac diagnostic and catheterization lab enterprise for purposes of litigation
Client: Radiation oncology medical practice
Location: Southeastern U.S.
Engagement: Valuation of past and future damages to a radiation oncology practice as a result of the breach of contract for exclusive services by a hospital system, for purposes of litigation
Client: Internal Revenue Service
Location: Midwestern U.S.
Engagement: Valuation of the gifting of an academic medical practice to a public university
Client: Large Regional Radiology Provider
Location: Western U.S.
Engagement: Feasibility analysis, forecasting and valuation related to capital formation strategic planning
Client: MSO-owned multi-state infertility practice
Location: Northeastern U.S.
Engagement: Valuation of the economic damages to a minority owner arising from breach of contract and violation of non-compete claims
Client: 450+ bed, nonprofit, acute care hospital
Location: Western U.S.
Engagement: Valuation of residency program services compensation, including teaching services and overhead, non-teaching expenses
Client: 450+ bed, nonprofit, acute care hospital
Location: Western U.S.
Engagement: Valuation of residency program services compensation, including teaching services and overhead, non-teaching expenses
Client: 200+ bed, nonprofit community hospital
Location: Western U.S.
Engagement: Valuation of inpatient physician professional services; management oversight related services; and, hospital call related services for inpatient nephrology department